Thursday, June 27, 2013

Raising Our Sights: Practice Guides

The Practice Guides for Raising Our Sights are out. Check them out on the Mencap website.
There are links to the guides and videos linked onto YouTube.
I'm just watching the Clinical Procedures video and it's great.
Well done!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Dr Jan van Dijk coming to Melbourne

I am a huge fan of Van Dijk's work - and hoping he'll touch on adults in his session in Melbourne as well.
His work relates to one of my biggest annoyances - when therapists leap into object symbols programmes without attending to the areas of resonance, attachments and co-active movement (going back to the origins of the work).
See you there maybe!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Children’s commissioner: Rules on touching ‘wrong’ - Scotland -

This was front page of the Sunday Scotsman newspaper. Very interesting article calling to reexamine the touch aversive environment of children's environments.
Do we need the a similar reconsideration in the support systems of adults with PIMD?
Children’s commissioner: Rules on touching ‘wrong’ - Scotland -

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Raising Our Sights UK ... next steps

I was really excited to hear that the UK PMLD Network and Mencap have produced how to guides and films in follow up to Jim Mansell's Raising Our Sights report. These will be launched in the UK later this month. 
I've requested a copy and will let you all know when I receive it. I wonder if they'll have the available online too?
For more info go to

From the website